Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Exciting!!

In following my favourite artist's blog I discovered that she is coming to Australia to teach in October...I can't believe she is coming and as long as I'm not in America visiting my daughter...then I don't care what it costs me, my friend and I are determined that we will be there for lessons.

The wonderful artist I'm talking about is Ingvilde!! her work is awesome.


Luz Maria Bruna said...

How lucky you are Lesley.It´s one of my fav artists too!!!

slywalker (Lesley) said...

I know Luzma, how amazing is that, I don't know if you remember my friend Gaelene who used be on the Cricut Group on SB.C, but her and I have followed Ingvilde forever, since pretty much her first layout when you check in her blog...she is so artistic and I can understand why you like her as well.